Spinal Cord Injury Journal

Best All-Terrain Tires for Manual Wheelchairs

Written by Spinal Cord Team | October 18, 2022

Wheelchairs can take people with spinal cord injuries to some amazing places, but without the right tires, it's hard to go anywhere. Manual wheelchair users, more than ever before demand a tire that takes can handle any kind of terrain. Fortunately, manufacturers are listening and there is a wide variety to choose from. Here are five highly recommended all-terrain tires for manual wheelchairs.


Schwalbe Marathon Plus 


Schwalbe, a wheelchair manufacturing company from Germany, is known for their highly coveted Marathon Plus wheelchair tires. They are 100% "flat-resistant," with many users saying they are able to hold their air pressure for 3 to 4 weeks before needing to be filled. They are wider than the average wheelchair tire and are constructed of hard rubber. Also, these tires can last up to 16 months or longer depending on how many miles you roll each day.


Learn more: https://schwalbemedical.com/products/schwalbe-marathon-plus-hs-440-wheelchair-tire 


Primos Sentinel


The Primo Sentinel wheelchair tire is one of the most popular puncture-resistant wheelchair tires available. It is able to withstand all kinds of terrain thanks to its dual-layer nylon casing and a 3mm anti-puncture insert. It is also a non-marking black tire with a grooved tread pattern, which helps with outdoor use. The flat-guard technology in these tires can even prevent flats from glass and thorns.


Learn more: https://www.sportaid.com/tires/primo.html 


Kenda Kobra


Kenda is a well-known tire manufacturer from Taiwan that started out making tires for bicycles and added wheelchair tires to their line of products a while back. For those looking for a premium all-terrain wheelchair tire, the Kobra tire made by Kenda is one of the best out there. They feature a semi-slick tread with a flat center, and there are knobs on the outside. They’re also excellent for going from one terrain to another without having to change your tires and are good on snow, dirt, grass, and pavement.


Learn more: https://shop.kendatire.com/Kobra-p/25242288520.htm 


Kenda Nevegal Pro


The Nevegal Pro is an award-winning mountain bike tire made by Kenda and is great in all conditions, both hard and soft packing dirt and snow. This tire is made specifically for bicycles, not wheelchairs, but it has become however popular among wheelchair users since it is a great all-terrain tire. The tire has a 110 PSI, is constructed of wire beading, and has 2-ply construction with “Stick-E” rubber, making for a better grip. 


Learn more: https://shop.kendatire.com/Nevegal-p/212149.htm 


Fat Wide 


If you're willing to swap your wheels for something more hardcore for serious terrain traversing, look no further than the Fat Wide wheelchair wheels made by Invictus Active. These wheels are built on a 507mm FAT rim with an offset hub. They also have Schwalbe Crazy Bob tires, which have a wraparound tread, making them popular for racing. 


Learn more: https://www.invictusactive.com/product/fat-wide-wheelchair-wheels/ 


Remember, if you need wheelchair tires that work for all-terrain use in a pinch, go to your local bicycle store and purchase standard mountain bike tires for your wheelchair. Make sure the tires you choose have plenty of knobs. Most mountain bike tires will fit as long as they are the correct size, which is typically anywhere between 24 and 27 inches.