Spinal Cord Injury Journal

Brain Injury Alliance of Oregon

Written by Spinal Cord Team | March 24, 2021

For 37 years, the Brain Injury Alliance of Oregon has been a nonprofit that has been actively changing the lives of people with brain injuries in the state. Founded by people with brain injuries and their families and friends, this nonprofit provides resources to everyone affected by brain injuries in Oregon, including brain injury professionals.

They offer a plethora of services including support groups, veteran services, and much more. By far the most active organization for people with brain injuries in the state, the Brain Injury Alliance of Oregon is indispensable to anyone affected by a brain injury. To learn more about this important organization, continue reading below.


Anyone with a brain injury, over18 years old and is a citizen of Oregon, is eligible for services and help from the Brain Injury Alliance of Oregon. 

Services Provided

Resource facilitation is by far one of the most important services provided by the Brain Injury Alliance of Oregon. Simply translated, this means helping people connect with the services they need and the services they qualify for. You'll find eight different categories of experts. In each category, there are names, phone numbers, e-mail addresses, and direct websites.

Some of these categories include medical professionals, rehabilitation/therapy, housing/care facilities, educators, vocational rehab, and more. Each category of experts has a long list of anyone eligible to be considered an expert in this case. They also offer a helpline called the Neuro-Resource Facilitation helpline. By calling this number, people with brain injuries will connect with experts who can help them learn how to live with a brain injury or transition back to work. This is a free service.

They will also send you a customized packet of important brain injury information. And the Brain Injury Alliance of Oregon offers over 40 support groups for people with brain injuries throughout the state. All of the support groups are online and can be found here https://www.biaoregon.org/services/support-groups/ 

If you have an organization that needs to train its employees about brain injuries, the Brain Injury Alliance of Oregon offers CBIS training including an exam. This includes a two-day workshop. They also offer a Brain Injury Fundamentals course and exam. Both of these courses include study materials and interactive workshops. Many organizations find these courses useful for reasons such as better interacting with clients with brain injuries to having those with brain injuries returning to the military.

Educational materials on brain injuries are also provided. They provide a wide variety of educational events, such as their annual brain injury conference, online webinars, videos on brain injury, and their website, which has several downloadable files on brain injury-related information. This educational material includes a brain injury handbook, free online training, as well as training on assist applied suicide intervention skills.

Veteran TBI services can also be found at the BIAO. Suicide prevention, polytrauma care, vet centers, support groups, and full information on the military resources available to veterans with brain injuries can be acquired. Learn more here https://www.biaoregon.org/services/veterans-services/

How to Apply

It is easy to get help from the Brain Injury Alliance of Oregon. First, you can go to their website for their Resource Library to gain access to names, email addresses, and phone numbers of vitally important resources for people with brain injuries. If you would like to speak with them directly for any kind of help, you have a brain injury and live in Oregon, their phone number is 1-(800)-544-5243. You can also e-mail them at biaor@biaoregon.org.

- Learn more: https://www.biaoregon.org/