Spinal Cord Injury Journal

Maine Brain Injury Waiver Program

Written by Spinal Cord Team | March 06, 2021

Throughout the country, it is the law to provide people with traumatic brain injuries the option of having community-based services vs. living in an institution. In Maine, they offer their Brain Injury Waiver program that ensures just that. A program that has been in existence for several years along with MaineCare (their Medicaid program), Maine's Brain Injury Waiver is a lifeline for the thousands of people living with a TBI in the state.

From paying for personal care attendants to adaptive technology needed to be independent in their home, the waiver can help in huge ways. If you are interested in learning more about the Brain Injury Waiver program in Maine, including the qualifications required, the services it provides, and how to apply, please continue reading below.  


Due to the nature of the services provided by the Maine Brain Injury Waiver Program, there are several requirements. First, in addition to already receiving MaineCare Benefits, you must submit documentation from a qualified physician that states the waiver services are medically necessary. In this letter, it must indicate that the person applying is not in a persistent vegetative state and that they have rehabilitation goals that can be met by the waiver.

All applicants must also be over 18 years old and have an acquired brain injury. This means people who have injuries at birth are not eligible. There is limited availability of waiver openings each year. Please keep this in mind when applying. Your finances will also be looked at. Next, once you've been accepted, a referral must be made to schedule an assessment. Lastly, services that you need from the waiver program will only be paid for if a service provider accepts you and decides to help, ie, you receive a funded waiver offer.

Services and Programs Provided

Like all waiver programs, the Maine Brain Injury Waiver program will pay for a wide variety of services that are necessary to maintain your health and safety in the community. You'll also be assigned to a Brain Injury Care Monitor who will assist you in choosing the waiver services that are right for you. The waiver program however will not cover any housing expenses, such as room, board, or rent.

The goal of the waiver is to provide individuals with a comprehensive array of services. These services include personal care attendants, financial management services, assistive technology, home-delivered meals, transportation to and from medical appointments, support groups, and employment specialist services.

How to Apply

As already mentioned above, applying to the Maine Brain Injury Waiver is a multi-step process. First, you must apply to MaineCare Benefits if you're not already on that program. Next, you must submit the Brain Injury Waiver Application and include the necessary documentation. You can find that application here: https://www.maine.gov/dhhs/sites/maine.gov.dhhs/files/inline-files/2019StateofMEBrainInjuryWaiverApplication.docx

Once an application has been received, a referral will be made to Maine's Assessing Services Agency. You'll need to meet with them face-to-face to have a scheduled assessment to determine if you're medically eligible. Once you're determined to be medically eligible however this does not ensure you have funding under the waiver. You'll also need to receive a funded offer from a service provider.

Remember, the Maine Brain Injury Waiver program is one of many important services available for people with brain injuries in Maine. If you need help paying for any therapy, you can apply to the Outpatient Neurorehabilitation Services program. 

- Learn more: https://www.maine.gov/dhhs/oads/get-support/adults-with-brain-injury