Spinal Cord Injury Journal

Common Causes of C3, C4 and C5 Injuries

Written by Spinal Cord Team | August 25, 2020

There are millions of ways someone can damage their spinal cord. That is the reality of living on planet earth where gravity and human bodies often collide. For those with high-level quadriplegia, there are a handful of common ways people commonly injure their cervical spinal cord in the C3-C5 area. 

A significant loss of mobility in the arms is experienced with this level of injury, however many people thrive with paralysis in the C3-C5 level. It is one of the most common injury levels. To see the most common ways people damage their spinal cord in this area, see below.

Motor Vehicle Accident

Out of all the causes of injuries to the C3 through C5 level, motor vehicle accidents are the main cause of this injury. They account for over 35% of all spinal cord injuries due to vehicles being the main mode of transportation for most individuals in the US. It comes as no surprise that this is the main cause of this injury. The Think First Foundation is a vocal advocate of prevention of spinal cord injury and will often bring a car from a car accident to their speeches to bring home their message.


A common non-traumatic cause of a spinal cord injury is spinal cancer. As we all know, cancer can occur to anyone at any time. Cancer can occur in the spinal column as well. When it occurs in the cervical area of the spinal column, treatment, or removal of the tumor can result in paralysis. Some believe radiation and chemotherapy can attribute to the damages as well.

Sports Injuries

One of the most well-known causes of a spinal cord injury in the C3-C5 area of the cervical spinal column is sports injuries. There are several sports and recreation activities that commonly cause paralysis. One of the most common sports to cause a spinal cord injury is football. In England and Australia, rugby is a sport where many spinal cord injuries occur. Hockey, gymnastics, motorsports, and diving are other sports that commonly cause a high-level spinal cord injury.

Disc Degeneration/Arthritis

A non-traumatic cause of paralysis that is often forgotten about is disc degeneration. Arthritis, another form of disc degeneration, can also cause quadriplegia at this level. A silent cause of paralysis, the vertebrae surrounding the spinal cord are essential to its functionality. It is common for damage to the vertebrae in this area, if heavily damaged, to cause paralysis. Unfortunately, older adults will become paralyzed because of disc degeneration, which makes it much difficult to recover from.


Another very common cause of paralysis are falls. Whether it is a fall from a staircase or a fall in the bathtub, falls of all kinds can cause paralysis. More extreme falls, such as a fall from a balcony or a parachute not opening while skydiving, have also caused paralysis to Americans in recent years. Many people underestimate the trauma that a fall can cause.  

Acts of Violence

Violent acts such as a shooting or stabbing is another common cause of C3-C4 injuries. Many people are in gang-related incidents, as well as domestic incidences. Hunting accidents and mass shootings also result in spinal cord injuries at this level. Around 13% of all SCI is caused by violence.

Medical/Surgical Mistake

Surgeries in the neck area can sometimes cause paralysis, especially if the surgery is close to the spinal cord. Surgeries trying to repair damaged disks can cause paralysis. Infections can also occur in the spinal cord, causing an abscess, due to medical mistakes.

Any kind of paralysis is life-changing, and it is important to always protect your spinal cord. 

These causes above are a reminder that life can be precarious and that caution should always be heeded.