Strides SCI Functional Fitness

Activity Based Therapy Center

About Strides

"Our functional fitness programs are specific to spinal cord injury and paralysis, and are designed to help individuals with mobility while challenging the limits of believed possibilty. We aim to inspire, educate, encourage, support, and push our clients to their full potential. Our specialized programs include joint flexion, extension, rotation, skeletal loading, strength building, cardiovascular fitness, biomechanics of human movement, specialized gait training, joint stabilization, standing, and circulation. Our primary goal for each client is to be out of their chair for their entire session with us."

  • Contact:
  • Joshua Salic and Jason Wanstreet
  • Address:
  • 31371 Rancho Viejo Road, Suite 103
  • City/State:
  • San Juan Capistrano, CA
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